Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hopewell Road Discovered by Captain Dache Reeves in 1934

Captain Dashe Reeves Discovered the Hopewell Road in 1934

                     The Hopewell Road begins, heading south at the Octagon in Newark, Ohio The Hopewell Road was aligned to the stars. Find out more abvout this incredible alignment. : The Ancient Hopewell Road Aligned to the Bright Star Fomalhaut and the Constellation Pisces

    One of the sites that is scheduled to be investigated in the winter of 2012 are the physical remnants of what is called "The Great Hopewell Road."  The Hopewell Road was discovered by Captain Dache Reeves, of the U.S. Army Corps in 1934 using aerial photography.
      Squire and Davis, Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley had traced the embankments two and a half miles south to the banks of Ramp Creek.
If you look at the above map of the Newark Earthworks, this is the remnant of the L shaped portion of the sacred via, that extends from the octagon. This is the best-preserved portion of the Hopewell Road that extends south into area that were farmed for years.  Regardless, portions of this sacred via may still be visible in some areas.

Part of the Hopewell Road can be seen in the photo taken by Reeves in 1934.  It also shows that there were earthworks built along this sacred via. The importance of this work is that it shows that the Adena Hopewell were skilled surveyors.