Monday, May 27, 2013

Indo European Urn Burials in South Carolina

Indo European Urn Burials in South Carolina

Indo European swastikas are also found in the Ohio Valley which is more evidence of a cultural exchange between Europe and North America. Urn burials are also found within the mounds of England. : The Swastika Associated with Bronze Age Diffusion to the Ohio Valley as the Mound Builders

The Beaker People, who are most, noted for their construction of Stonehenge are so named because of their tulip shaped beakers that were sometimes used to house the dead in conical burial mounds.

To close the subject of subterranean burial proper, the following account of urn-burial in Foster may be added:
Urn-burial appears to have been practiced to some extent by the mound-builders, particularly in some of the Southern States. In the mounds on the Wateree River, near Camden, S.C., according to Dr. Blanding, ranges of vases, one above the other, filled with human remains, were found. Sometimes when the mouth of the vase is small the skull is placed with the face downward in the opening, constituting a sort of cover. Entire cemeteries have been found in which urn-burial alone seems to have been practiced. Such a one was accidentally discovered not many years since in Saint Catherine’s Island, off the coast of Georgia. 

Tulip shaped burial urns from Camden South Carolina identical to those found in Europe associated with the Beaker People (Amorite giants)

Beaker People Tulip shaped burial Urns from England