Sunday, August 4, 2013

Giant Human's Skeletal Remains Removed from a Mound in Henry County, Indiana

 Giant Human's Skeletal Remains Removed from a Mound in 

Henry County, Indiana

Loaf shaped burial mound near New Castle, Indiana prior to being obliterated by Ball State archaeologists. In the foreground is an earthwork with a deep ditch that surrounds the mound. The mounds and earthworks in the complex are on public ground and is one of the more interesting historical places in Indiana. Universities continue to destroy the site, and it will soon be erased from the Indiana landscape. For a map a lidar image of the New Castle, Indiana henge complex : New Castle, Indiana Burial Mound and Henge Works Revealed in Lidar Imagery

Biographical Memoirs of Henry County Indiana, 1902 

 He had taken much interest in the investigation of the noted mounds, one which he opened containing the skeleton of a giant human being. The lower jaw was large enough to fit over an ordinary man's head, while the other bones were proportionate in size. The skull was a half inch in thickness and under it were found twelve flint arrowheads.