Friday, April 12, 2019

A Race of Nephilim Giants Uncovered in Lucas County, Toledo and the Maumee River: Numerous Accounts

A Race of Nephilim Giants Uncovered in Lucas County, Toledo and the Maumee River: Numerous Accounts

Story of the Maumee, 1929
      Lucas County had a total of sixteen recorded prehistoric sites. Besides the enclosure described, from page nine . . . The only enclosure or fort of importance in this territory was situated on the right bank of the above where is now the east end of Fassett Street bridge and Maumee River within the present site of Toledo. It was just directly back of the Baltimore & Ohio elevator. Years back, when this section of Toledo was yet an unfenced common and after the ground and embankments had been cleared of trees, the site was reduced to practically level by the plowman, who planted his crops there seasons after season.
      Elias Fassett, for whom Fassett Street was named, and who lived close at hand, remembered distinctly of this prehistoric earthwork before the tillers of the soil disturbed it. He said that the northern edge of the enclosure, which was evidently circular in form but which had partly been washed away by the encroachment of the river, reached near to the bridge, and that the rear embankment reached across the street that now parallels the river.
       In front of the old Fassett home there was a small elevation of sand, apparently an artificial mound. In using their ground to level up the Fassett lot, six or more skeletons in a perfect state of preservation were unearthed, buried face downward. These skeletons were evidently of Indians of a later period.

The Maumee River Basin, 1905
      It was situated also on the east bank of the Maumee a little above the present Fassett Street Bridge and back of the present Cincinnati, Hamilton, and Dayton Railroad Grain Elevator, in Toledo. When surveyed by Grove K. Gilbert the ridge of earth was a little less than two feet above the surface, and ditches existed within and without. Its diameter was 387 feet its curve irregular as though its location had been influenced by the position of trees. At one point, probably the entrance, a second short ridge existed inside the principal one. The northern end rest on the river bank a few yards south of the present Fassett Street. When Elias Fassett settled at his present residence nearby, previous to 1850, the site of the enclosure was covered with large sugar maple trees. Not a vestige of this ancient earthen work, or of the one above described now remains. There are in the same vicinity of the site of the last described two small streets name Fort and Crescent, suggestive of its use and form.

Fort Wayne News, (Fort Wayne, Indiana,) April 20, 1898

      Toledo Ohio, April 30-Workman in the company of the Fergusun Construction Company excavating for the new Toledo and Ottawa Beach railroad, a little beyond the city limits unearthed three skeletons, evidently relics of some great race, as they were about seven feet in length. Just where the ears should be on the head are singular bony protuberances which curl forward. The finds were made in solid yellow clay about eight feet below the surface. The cut is through a large mound not half of which has yet been torn up. Several stone tomahawks of larger size have been picked up in the locality.

American Antiquarian, Vol., 3, 1880

     “A skeleton which is reported to have been of enormous dimensions” was found in a clay coffin, with a sandstone slab containing hieroglyphs during mound explorations by Dr. Everhart near Zanesville, Ohio.

       A mound near Toledo, Ohio held 20 skeletons, seated and facing east with jaws and teeth “twice as large as those of present-day people” and beside each was a large bowl with “curiously wrought hieroglyphic figures.”