Monday, March 9, 2020

Indian Wars Against the Giants: Mass Grave Found in Northern Ohio

Indian Wars Against the Giants: Mass Grave Found in Northern Ohio

While it not reported in the following posts there are many accounts of giant skeletons being found along the south shore of the Great Lakes where many earthworks (not square) were constructed. This is a short list from 'The Encyclopedia of Ancient Giants In North America." : Nephilim Giants Graveyards and Mass Burials in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York

History of Huron and Erie Counties, Ohio, 1879

    Near these forts were mounds or hillocks, which were found to contain human bones, promiscuously thrown together, as if a large number of bodies had been buried at one time. The skull bones, when found entire was shown to be larger upon average, than those of the present race, and all exhibited marks that would indicate that life had been taken in deadly combat. For more giant skeletons in Ohio including mass graves