Friday, April 16, 2021

Nephilim Giants Graveyards and Mass Burials in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York


Nephilim Giants Graveyards and Mass Burials in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York

Pioneer Society of Michigan (Ontario Canada) 1887
     We frequently hear of the discovery of the skeletons of a gigantic race, and we are therefore the more puzzled to know to what race the mound builders belonged, for although we are called a new country, comparatively speaking, we may be the oldest. A few years ago an article appeared in the Toronto Telegraph stating that in the township of Cayuga in the Grand River, on the farm of DanielFredenburg, five or six feet below the surface, were found two hundred skeletons nearly perfect, in a string of beads around the neck of each, stone pipes in the jaws of several of them, and many stone axes and skinners scattered around in the dirt. The skeletons were gigantic, some of them measuring nine feet, and few of them less than seven. Some of the thigh bones were six inches longer that any now known. The farm had been cultivated a century and was originally covered with a growth of pine. There was evidence from the crushed bones that a battled had been fought and these were some of the slain… Were these the remains of Indians or some other race? Who filled this ghastly pit?

History of Huron and Erie Counties, Ohio 1879
Near these forts were mounds or hillocks, which were found to contain human bones, promiscuously thrown together, as if a large number of bodies had been buried at one time. The skull bones, when found entire, were shown to be larger upon average, than those of the present race, and all exhibited marks that would indicate that life had been taken in deadly combat.

Historical Collections of Ohio, Howe, Vol., 1 1847
Ashtabula County Ohio
     There were mounds situated in the eastern part of the village of Conneaut and an extensive burying ground near the Presbyterian Church, which appear to have had no connection with the burying places of the Indians. Among the human bones found in the mounds were some belonging to men of gigantic structure. Some of the skulls were of sufficient capacity to admit the head of an ordinary man, and jaw bones that might have been fitted over the face with equal facility; the other bones were proportionately large. The burying ground referred to contained about four acres, and with the exception of a slight angle in conformity with the natural contour of the ground was in the form of an oblong square. It appeared to have been accurately surveyed into lots running from north to south, and exhibited all the order and propriety of arrangement deemed necessary to constitute Christian burial. On the first examination of the ground by the settlers they found it covered with the ordinary forest trees, with an opening near the center containing a singlebutternut. The graves were distinguished by slight depressions disposed in straight rows and were estimated to number from two to three thousand. On examination in 1800, they were found to contain human bones, invariably blackened by time, which on exposure to the air soon crumbled to dust. Traces of ancient cultivation observed by the first settlers on the lands of the vicinity, although covered with forest, exhibited signs of having once been thrown up into squares and terraces, and laid out into gardens.

History of Clark County, Ohio 1881
     Half a mile north of this fort is a huge mound, the base of which covers about one acre. From this mound many bones have been exhumed, of a race of beings differing greatly from the present, and having no similarity to the red man. A mile west of the fort above mentioned, on the farm of William Allen, is an ancient burying ground of an extinct race. The bones taken from this place are much larger than those of Americans, and, in many respects, give evidence of having belonged to prehistoric people.

History of Niagra County, New York 1878, (town of Cambria)
     A search enabled them to come to a pit, but a slight distance from the surface. The top of the pit was covered with slabs of the Medina Sandstone, and was twenty-four feet square by four and a half in depth- the planes agreeing with the four cardinal points. It was filled with human bones of both sexes and all ages. They dug down at one extremity and found the same layers to extend to the bottom, which was the same dry loam, and from their calculations, they deduced that at least four thousand souls had perished one great massacre.  In one skull two flint arrowheads were found, and many had the appearance of having been fractured and cleft open by a sudden blow. They were piled in regular layers, but with no regard to size or sex… One hundred and fifty persons a day visited this spot the first season, and carried off the bones. They are now nearly all gone and the pit plowed over. The remains of a wall were traced near the vault. Some of the bones found in the latter were of unusual size. One of these was a thigh bone that had been healed of an oblique fracture. One was the upper half of a skull so large that that of a common man would not fill it.

History of Erie County, Pennsylvania Illustrated 1884
pg. 169
An ancient graveyard was discovered in 1820, on the land known as the Drs.Carter and Dickenson places in Erie, which created quite a sensation at the time. Dr. Albert Thayer dug up some of the bones, and all indicated a race of beings of immense size.