Monday, April 26, 2021

5 Nephilim Giants Uncovered North of the Newark, Ohio Earthworks


5 Nephilim Giants Uncovered  North of the Newark, Ohio Earthworks

McCook Weekly Tribune McCook, May 14, 1885,
Five Nephilim Giant's Skeletons Unearthed in Licking County, Ohio
   One of the most important discoveries of the many made in the prolific field of  Indian mound near Homer, Ohio was made near there a few days ago.  Beneath a small mound and five feet below the normal surface five gigantic skeletons, with their feet to the east were found in a grave with a stone floor.  Amounts of burned bones and wood charcoal are plentiful, together with numerous stone vessels and weapons.  The skeletons are of enormous size, the head of one being the size of a wooden bucket.  The most striking articles beside the skeletons were a finely finished stone pipe, the bowl being large and polished and engraved with considerable care in a simple way- the figures are birds and beasts: a knife shaped like a sickle reversed and having a wooden handle held by leather thongs and a kettle holding perhaps six quarts.  Those who know say this find is one of the oldest in America and perhaps the most valuable.  For more giant Nephilim giants found across Ohio see

List of Ohio giants here : Nephilim Giant Skeletons County Map of Ohio