Blonde Hair, Blue-Eyed Mandan Indians Claim they are Descended from White Men
Blonde Hair, blue-eyed Mandan Indian women with European features. The Mandan Indians were in the distant past part of the Hopewell Moundbuilders in the Ohio Valley. Their European features were the result of genetic mixing with the Adena who had their origins in the British Isles via the Levant and were of Indo-European origin. Were the Mandan the lineage of the Biblical Amorites? More here : Blonde Haired Mandan Sioux: Descendants of the Biblical Amorites
The Mandan Indians claimed to be descended from a white man who came in a big canoe, that come to rest on a high mountain after a great flood that destroyed everything on earth.
According to George Catlin, 20% of the Mandan Indians were "nearly white" in complexion with light blue eyes. He commented that the Mandan women could easily be recognized as Europeans. Catlin also said that the Mandan were, "advanced farther in the arts of manufacture," than any other Indian nation, and their lodges were equipped with "more comforts and luxuries of life."
Another Mandan Indian woman is drawn by George Catlin with European facial features. Where could such an influx into their DNA have come if it were not for their mising with European mound builders for a thousand years?