Louisiana Historical Society Reports: Large Neanderthal Looking Skulls With Double Rows of Teeth
Recreation of the skull removed from the Latro Mounds published in the Louisiana Historical Society Publication For a good picture of what one of these skulls looked like www.nephilimgiants.net : Mass Grave of Giant Nephilim Hybrids Discovered in Malibu Beach, California
Publications Louisiana Historical Society Vol., I, 1901
The Mounds of Lousiana by Prof. George Beyer
The Larto Group
On the morning of my arrival at Fair Play Landing, I found quite a number of gentlemen ready to accompany me to the mounds. These were nearly ten miles distant and situated on the banks of a horseshoe-shaped Lake Larto. The road led for some distance along Black River, then out across the country to the head of the lake, but ended shortly after passing the mounds.
In the preceding pages I have somewhat transgressed, and I must now take up my report in regard to the location and formation of the group of mounds, which has given us, not only so much material for reflection and speculation, but has brought us face to face with the facts of the aborigines of Louisiana, of which we knew but little heretofore. I found the group consisting of four mounds, situated immediately on the banks of the lake. Three of them are of about the same size, while the fourth is smaller by one-half-in every respect, with the exception of the height-which about equals that of the others, at least at the present time. The diameter of the larger mound at the base ranges from 150 and 160 feet. The height of all of them is now only between seven and eight feet. Their original height has been probably twice that much, but continued use by men and cattle have tended not only to compress the earth but has also caused the wearing away of considerable of its material. The mounds are about 100 feet apart and are connected by ridges, which to some extent still remain. These ridges were, I suppose, from ten to fifteen feet wide at their base, but only about three or feet high. Mounds and connecting ridges were well covered with vegetation; on nearly, all fairly large trees were growing. On one of the mounds a planter had built his residence and on another his corn crib; and during overflows, that gentleman informed me, both remained high and dry. While the first larger one, coming from the direction of the Black River.
The bones were lying close together, and the bodies had been buried side by side-head toward the south, feet to the north. It was practically impossible to obtain an entire skull or skeleton, and every single bone had to be cut out of the hard clay with the knife. On the left side of some of the skulls, I found the fragments of vases or bowls, also a few arrowheads, and with one of the bodies, a medium-sized ax had been buried.
After the removal of the remains, I continued the excavation, and suddenly I came upon a bed of ashes. This bed covered a small area of about four feet square and was about an inch and a half in thickness. Examination of the ashes revealed charred catfish ribs and garfish scales, but to say whether these were the remains of sacrificial rites or of a repast would be assuming to much...While yet removing some traces of the ash bed I came upon another skeleton, and proceeding with the greatest caution I discovered two others lying close to it
In regard to their physical standard it is well conceded that the
One of the skulls removed from the Latro mounds was noted for its thickness and the occipital bun that is diagnositic of Archaic type skulls. More Neanderthal hybrids found here Mysteries of Ancient America Books: Smithsonian Anthropologists Call Giant Skulls from the Burton Mound in Santa Barbara, California
Quite a sensation was created by the fact that part of the skull (frontal bone) was found which measured actually 7/8 of an inch in thickness. Upon further search, I found other portions of the same skull of corresponding thickness. This, however, proved to be only an exceptional case, for the majority of the other skulls present no such abnormal development; but upon comparing them in this respect with so-called mound builders' skulls from other sections, an excessive thickness is noticeable. In the same line of abnormality was the finding of one of one skull in which the dentition reached the unusual number of forty teeth, the increase consisting of eight additional incisors. The remarkable preservation of the teeth is noteworthy.