Eighteen Inch Ancient Fairy Mummy Discovered in New Mexico
Mass grave of dwarfs discovered in Coshocton County, Ohio www.nephilimgiants.net : Mass Grave of an Ancient Race of Dwarfs Discovered Near Coshocton County, Ohio
The Colonist, Volume LIV, October 21, 1912
An ancient mummy, eighteen inches high, in a good state of preservation, has been found at the cliff dwellings on the Upper Gila, near Silver City, New Mexico, and instruction has been received to forward it to the Smithsonian Institution at Washington. Careful examination confirms the idea of many scientists that the old cliff men were a dwarf race. The most striking features of their dwellings were very small doorways and extremely low ceilings.
An ancient mummy, eighteen inches high, in a good state of preservation, has been found at the cliff dwellings on the Upper Gila, near Silver City, New Mexico, and instruction has been received to forward it to the Smithsonian Institution at Washington. Careful examination confirms the idea of many scientists that the old cliff men were a dwarf race. The most striking features of their dwellings were very small doorways and extremely low ceilings.