Mass Grave of an Ancient Race of Dwarves Discovered Near Coshocton County, Ohio
Thousands of Dwarf Graves Discovered in Ohio
Living side by side with a giant race
In the ancient world, there is a connection between the giant race and that of a smaller pygmy, dwarf or elf-like race. Another mass grave of dwarfs discovered in Tennessee! : 100,000 Pygmy or Dwarf Graves Described in Tennessee Concur with Cherokee Indian's Legend of Pixie and Fairies
Centennial History of Coshocton, County Ohio 1909
The missionary, Zeisberger, noted a hundred and thirty-three years ago the numerous signs of an ancient race here. He referred particularly to the cemetery containing thousands of graves near the mound three miles south of Coshocton.
The skeletons reduced to chalky ashes were three to four and a half feet long, smaller than the Indian or mound skeletons. These pygmies have led to much conjecture. Thus far no definite conclusion is recorded in any of the notices of this ancient city of the dead.
Skulls were described "as triangular in shape, much flattened at the sides and back, though not with the slant-brow of the Flat Head Indians seen in the West. A hole pierced the back of the head. The bones were displaced, the skull being found with the pelvis, from which it is inferred that the body was dismembered before burial.
The long rows of graves of the pygmy race at Coshocton were regularly arranged with heads to the west, a circumstance which has given rise to the theory that these people were sunworshippers, facing the daily approach of the sun god over the eastern hills. In this respect, however, there is no resemblance to the various positions of the skeletons found in our mounds.
The iron nails mentioned by Hildreth as found in this ancient cemetery take on added interest in view of the discovery in a mound near Cincinnati, reported by F.W. Putnam, curator of the Peabody Museum. Masses of meteoric iron were found on an altar, with bars of iron and other objects made of metal.
The thousands of graves point only to the conclusion that the country around was the seat of a large population.
Thousands of Dwarf Graves Discovered in Ohio
Living side by side with a giant race
Near this large burial mound, that can still be seen today, was the graveyard that contained the pygmy or Elf race
Centennial History of Coshocton, County Ohio 1909
Howes's Historical Collections, Institution, quoted from Dr. Hildreth's description in Sillmans Journal, 1835. This also mentions an ancient cemetery of pygmies near St. Louis. There the skeletons were found in stone sepulchers, while those in Coshocton, Ohio were in wooden coffins.
Coshocton County, Ohio
Centennial History 1911
The facts known to us are that this burial ground covered about ten acres, that before it had been disturbed by the cultivation of the soil it exhibited regular rows of little mounds such as mark graves in the present day, covering almost the entire surface of the ten acres, that on excavating human bones were found, lying in proper place with feet to the east, and covering a space about four to four and a half feet in length, that on exposure to the air the bones immediately disintegrated, that in one or two cases the body bore evidence of having been fastened together with iron nails
Giant Human Remains
Centennial History of Coshocton, County Ohio 1909
Fifty-four years ago a stone mound was opened on a hilltop near the Colonel's house. A rock pile eighteen feet square and five feet deep, composed of sandstone layers, was removed, revealing a sepulcher floored with large flat sandstone, and walled with sandstone slabs. On the floor lay part of a skull, a thigh bone, teeth and a few other fragments of a skeleton. The thigh bone indicated the dead to have been of unusual height, more than seven feet. In addition, a "plum-bob" is similar to those in the Scioto Valley."
About seventy years ago a small mound near Plainfield was opened by J.D. Workman, who found stone relics. Another mound was opened two miles below by Wesley Pattrick, who found a skull and thigh exceptionally large.
Blood Path to Venerated Spring
On Howard Millers farm in Keene Twp., a few miles from Coshocton, is a circle that has excited much interest in this county's ancient earthworks. There is an opening in the circle, and the plow, usually the destroyer, was in this instance a discoverer; for it came upon a path of red stone leading from the opening in the circle down to the spring. The blood-red path has the appearance of burnt stone, according to some observers, but is unlike the red sandstone found elsewhere in the county.
On the plains of Linton Township, at the cross roads half a mile southwest of Plainfield, there was once a square of several acres which, it was related, was enclosed by four embankments six feet high, now plowed down.
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The square is still slightly visible southwest of Plainfield