Friday, November 11, 2022

Is the Newark Circle a Giant Fairy Ring?


Is the Newark Circle a Giant Fairy Ring?    

     Many of the henges and stone circles in Scotland have been identified as “fairy rings.” The henges in Scotland are identical to those in the Ohio Valley. Like the Sioux Sun Dance, the henges were constructed to venerate solar events of the equinox, solstices and the May first and October thirty-first sunrise and sunset. It was believed that entering a fairy ring on the evening of May first or October thirty first was especially dangerous. It's a Scottish legend that if you walk around the stone circle commonly known as the 'Fairy Ring' three times and make a wish it will come true.  32 of the largest burial mounds in Ohio. Many photpgraphed for the first tim : 32 of the Largest Adena Hopewell Mounds Photographed in Ohio