Giant Human Skeleton Discovered at Winona Lake in Warsaw, Indiana
Giant Human Skeleton Discovered at Winona Lake in Warsaw, Indiana
Google Earth Map of the west shore of what used to be called Eagle Lake, now Winona Lake just south of Warsaw Indiana. The ground around the hill used to be swamp giving it an "island" appearance.
Cincinnati Commercial, October 7, 1888
A member of the Logan Grays, the crack military organization of Logansport that held its encampment this year at Eagle Lake, near Warsaw stopped in this city on his way home from camp and told the following story of the discovery by the party of a cavern on an island in Eagle Lake; A.M. Jones rowed to a small island near the southwest corner of the lake and began digging for worms. He turned over a large, flat stone near a tree, and under it was a small hole, which was an entrance to a cave. Jones called the boys up, and we began an exploration of the cavern, which proved to be twenty-five feet long, fifteen feet wide, and eight feet deep. The walls are of a natural formation of stone, branching out in the middle so as to form two rooms. In the front room was the skeleton of a man six feet nine inches long. The bones were very large, indicating great strength. Along one side of the cave runs a small stream of water, as pure as crystal. In front of it forms a small pool. In this were a number of bones.