Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Rare Photo of the Piketon, Ohio Sacred Via


Rare Photo of the Piketon, Ohio Sacred Via

The Piketon Sacred Via was 1080 feet in length, a measure that is duplicated in many other Hopewell Sioux Earthworks.  You can still somewhat make out where this earthwork was if you go there. To see 121 mound and earthwork sites in Ohio that are still visible, you can see the photographs. For more on the Babylonian numerology of the Piketon burial mounds and earthworks.  More on the Babylonian numerology of the Piketon, Ohio burial mounds and earthworks. : Babylonian Numerology at the Piketon, Ohio Sacred Via

From the end of the right-hand wall, upon the third terrace, extends a low line of embankment, (now much obliterated by the construction of the turnpike,) two thousand five hundred and eighty feet long, leading towards a group of mounds, as shown in the plan. At the distance of fifteen hundred feet from the grade, a wall starts off at right angles, for the distance of two hundred and twelve feet, when it assumes a course parallel to the principal line for four hundred and twenty feet, and then curves inwardly, terminating near a group consisting of one large and three small mounds. A ground plan of the latter is elsewhere given. This group of mounds is now enclosed, and constitutes the cemetery of the neighborhood. Forty rods to the right of this group, is a large mound thirty feet in height. Several small mounds occur upon the adjacent plain, though no enclosures of magnitude are found nearer than five miles lower down, on the river.

The walls were 215 feet apart. The measure of 215 feet occurs in several Ohio and Indiana earthworks. The length was 1080 feet. This measure occurs in four square earthworks around Chillicothe where each wall was 1080 feet. The Winchester, Indiana rectangular work was 1080 feet on the north south walls. 

Burial mounds located in the cemetery. The 30-foot mound was destroyed by the Ohio Historical Society