Friday, February 3, 2023

Giant's Graveyard Excavated at Tioga Point, Pennsylvania


Giant's Graveyard Excavated at Tioga Point, Pennsylvania

Tioga Point. More mass graveyards of giants have been discovered in Pennsylvania. : Mass Grave of Giant Nephilim are Discovered by Scientists in Pennsylvania

Grand Rapids Tribune, November 9, 1916
Giant Graveyard Excavated at Tioga Point, Pennsylvania
    Canal workers at Valentine, Nebraska, recently uncovered, ten feet beneath the surface, the skeleton of an Indian warrior.  The overlying strata indicated that the bones had been inanimate for several hundred years. On July 13 Professor Skinner of the American Indian museum, excavating the mound at Tioga Point, near shore, Pa., uncovered the bones of 68 men, which he estimates had been buried at least seven or eight hundred years.  The average height indicated by the skeletons was seven feet, but many were taller.  Evidence of the gigantic size of these men were seen in the huge axes found inside the bones, says Christian Herald.