Noted Archaeologists Measures West Virginia Skeleton at 7 feet, 2 inches.
Large skeleton measured within the Cresap Mound by Don Dragoo. Dr. Don Dragoo, who was a prominent archaeologist with the Carnegie Museum in Pittsburgh, PA. West Virginia had many giant skeletons discovered across the state along the Ohio River and the Kanawha River. Here is one of the largest females ever recorded. : Nephilim Queen's Tomb is Excavated at Moundsville, West Virginia.
Cresap Mound located in West Virginia is one of many burial mounds where large skeletons were entombed in their earthen graves.
Mounds For the Dead, Dragoo, 1963
Description of a large skeleton at the Cresap Mound
" Measurements taken of the skeleton while still in the grave indicated an individual approximately 7.2 inches tall. In all respects the Cresap Mound skeletal material conforms to the physical type of the Kentucky and Ohio Adena.