Friday, March 3, 2023

Germany's Ancient Dwarf Race


Germany's Ancient Dwarf Race

Did this dwarf race come to North America? Here is the same type of small people found in mass graves in Tennessee. : 100,000 Pygmy or Dwarf Graves Described in Tennessee Concur with Cherokee Indian's Legend of Pixie and Fairies

Auckland Star, Volume XXXIV, May 23, 1903
Prehistoric Pygmies
   A German anthropologist, Herr Thisenius, has recently shown that pygmies - now only found in the interior of Africa - were, during prehistoric times, spread over parts of Europe.  Numerous skeletons found in Silesia show that the stature of the men they represent was not much above 4 1/2 feet.  There were pygmies in Switzerland and in Alsace also.  These dwarf races were in no wise degenerates.  They appear to have existed up to comparatively recent times.  The pygmies of Silesia, for instance, were contemparary with the Romans, and they continued up to the tenth century.  At present there is no vestige of such a race, but their skeletons remain to prove their existence.