Traveling to the Adena, Hopewell Archeological Sites Around Cincinnati, Ohio
The Short Woods Adena burial mound is located on a public golf course. Directions to these sites can be found in "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins in the Ohio Valley." Giant skeletons also discovered in Cincinnati. : Ancient Giant Human Skeleton of the Mound Builders Discovered Near Cincinnati, Ohio Earthwork
A small burial mound is located north of the city, in the Finnytown cemetery.
East of Cincinnati, in Norwood is this large Adena burial mound.
The linear earthen wall, called the Marimont embankment is a mystery as to its purpose.
An Adena burial mound is located in the Odd Fellows cemetery. Photos from, "The Nephilim Chronicles: A Travel Guide to the Ancient Ruins ion the Ohio Valley."