Nephilim Giant's Skeleton Uncovered
Near Boston, Massachusetts
Many giant Nephilim skeletons were discovered in Massachusetts including one with double rows of teeth. : 7 Foot Human Giant with Double Rows of Teeth Uncovered in Massachusetts
Boston, Massachusetts, Dec. 20.-An Indian sepulcher has been unearthed on "Fish Marsh", in Saugus. The tomb was about seven feet below the surface and it contained the skeleton of a man of enormous proportions, which crumbled to dust upon exposure to the air. The body was buried in a sitting posture, facing the east. Beside the skeleton were found a pipe, a tomahawk blade an arrowhead, an ax and a cylindrical shaped stone. Near the grave an underground passage has been discovered. Excavations are being made for the purpose of exploring the passage. The discoveries were made by workmen who were excavating for building purposes."