Thursday, July 20, 2023

Beetle-Browed Neanderthal Giants Discovered in Florida


Beetle-Browed Neanderthal Giants Discovered in Florida

Skull of man (left) and woman antedating the Indians inhabiting Florida upon discovery of America. Note the worn teeth, probably denoting age, and the fracture at the base of the man's skull: and the better teeth, higher forehead and absence of orbital ridge on the women. Right is a skeleton of a young woman six feet tall and of massive build belonging to that mysterious, prehistoric people known as the Florida Colossus.  Neanderthal hybrids in Europe and North America : Giant Neanderthal Hybrids of Northern Europe and North America

Miami Daily News, September 2, 1934

Popular Science -November 3, 1934 
     Remains of what is believed to have been a prehistoric race of American giants were discovered not long ago by divers who descended to the bottom of Silver Springs, near Ocala, Fla. The human skeletons found in a submerged burial chamber were so large that persons who viewed them expressed the belief that the men of the primitive race attained a height of seven feet. Along with the bones, said to have lain undisturbed for 2,500 years, were the discovered many tools, weapons, and ornaments. Among the finds were clay pots and idols, bone needles, flint arrowheads, and fragments of jewelry.