Monday, September 25, 2023

Adena Burial Mounds and Enclosures Near Newark, Ohio in Perry County, Ohio

 Adena Burial Mounds and Enclosures Near Newark, Ohio in Perry County, Ohio

The Roberts Mound can be seen from the Glenford Ceremonial Center and from just south of the Newark, Ohio earthworks. Another large Adena mound is just a few miles north of this in Licking County, Ohio : Large Adena Burial Mound South of Newark, Ohio

The Wilson mound is located a short distance from the Glenford ceremonial center. It was said that it was an effigy mound of a bear. No sign or historical designation is afforded this impressive work.  It was nearly destroyed by a rock quarry but saved by local residents.

The History of Perry County Ohio 1902

    There are over a hundred mounds, fortifications, earthworks and village sites in Perry County. The m ost interesting and best known of these is the "Stone Fort" at Glenford. This fortification belongs to the class of "Hill-top Enclosures," and is the best example of its kind in the state. Caleb Atwater came over from Circleville about 1840 and then published a glowing description of it in the first book ever written on Ohio Archaeology. an archaeologist from all over the land have visited here and the consensus of opinion is that it is one of the most wonderful of fortifications. This enclosure was evidently erected for defensive purposes. Its area is a fraction over 27 acres. It is made entirely of stone. The pieces are various sizes. None are larger than what can be easily carried and many are much smaller. The present condition of the walls shows only a win-row of stones. Many have been hauled away. When originally built the wall must have averaged from seven to ten feet in height. The entire length of the rampart is 6,610 feet. Within the enclosure is a stone mound, 100 feet in diameter and 12 feet high.
    No stones are found within the enclosure. they were evidently utilized in building the work.
Whoever it eas that erected this wall, certainly "knew their business." They took advantage of the natural surroundings. The hill upon which it was built is something over 200 feet above the creek level. The sides of this hill are covered with the conglomerate that overlies the sub-carboniferous limestone. The same stone composes the cap-rock of the hill. Where its stratum appears, water has eroded deep embrasures, thus forming natural passage ways. The loose stones were heaped along the edges of the solid rock, so increasing the height. With the exceptions of the southeastern corner, the hill has no connection with the surrounding hills. The top could only be reached by climbing the bluffs. 
This photo shows where the mound once stood.  The archaeologist removed the stones from the center and threw them to outside.  

The mounds stones are now in a circular stack outside where it previously stood. The owner of the property is going to have the stones placed in their original position in the summer of 2012. 

Stone Sacred Via is one of the most exciting parts of the investigation of the Glenford Ceremonial Works.

   At the point, or corner before mentioned, there is a narrow, depressed ridge, leading to higher ground beyond. on this higher ground is the Wilson Mound, 18 feet high and covering one acre of ground. From the Wilson, mound can be seen the earth enclosure to the north and the Roberts Mound, east of Glenford. 

   The easiest approach to the fort would have been by the Wilson Mound. The builders, however, took the extra precaution to dig a circular moat and to build a wall to protect this point. The diameter of this moat-enclosure is about 150 feet. Good springs of water are easily reached from the fort.