Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Hieroglyphs With a Biblical Quote Found in Nephilim Giant's Grave in Ohio


 Hieroglyphs With a Biblical Quote Found in Nephilim Giant's Grave in Ohio

Tablet removed from a burial mound in Muskingum County, Ohio that contained skeletons over 9 feet in length.  With them was this tablet with a quote from the Bible.

History of Muskingum County, Ohio 1882

Iam the Alpha and the Omega, saith the 
Lord God, which is and which was, and which is
to come, the Almighty ; giving first, -power on
earth: secondly, the spirit, added from heaven
without ending.

" The heavens declare the glory of God,'' as a
seal of His -power to bless, first, with life, and
forever, these servants.

I photographed for Dr. J. F. Everhart an engraved stone, said to have been exhumed

from a mound in Brush Creek Township, and that I have this day identified the negative

that I then took, in the Gallery No.1 Main street, Zanesville, Ohio ; that when I was about

to print the picture for Dr. Everhart I assured him I could, by retouching the negative,

make the characters on the stone appear plainer, and that Dr. Everhart objected,

saying he wanted nothing more or less than an exact copy of the stone, with- out any

alterations whatever, and that I am prepared to identify the stone from which the negative

referred to was taken, and that there was no sign of any recent engraving or marking on

the engraved side of the stone.

The discovery that " Alpha and Omega " are the first two characters of the inscription
 was as startling as it is true. And the connection with the Great    Pyramid, as indicated
 by the corresponding signs, " the angle stones," found only on the Pyramids, and 
upon this   gravestone, as far as now known, began to loom    up, and Mr. Smyth's 
three keys for the opening of the Great Pyramid seemed to    have a bearing upon this
 inscription: so that they are here quoted for the benefit of the reader. 
The inscription on the tablet taken from the mound in Brush Creek Township is 
composed of three different forms of ideation, which are made out to be Demotic  
or Enchorial, Hieroglyphic and Greek. The Demotic, according to Herodotus, 
had ceased to be used 525 B. C.; the Hieroglyphics had ceased to be used about the third
 century, A. D., and Greek characters were then used as ideations. The inscription,
 therefore, must be back to the   time when one of these classes ceased to be used,
 which was 425 B. C.