Sunday, October 22, 2023

Nephilim (Amorite) Stonehenge in Libya

 Nephilim (Amorite) Stonehenge in Libya

The Amorites were the accounted giants in the Bible. There giant remains are found in the most numbers in the British Isles within the conical burial mounds and the Ohio Valley conical burial mounds. This giant Nephilim was found near Stonehenge. : Nephilim Giant Unearthed at a Burial Mound at Stonehenge Exceeding 9 Feet in Height.

In “L’Anthropologie, 1921” M. Siret found the the prehistoric Stone Age settlers in S. Spain were civilized sea-going traders from “Syria,” seeking ores, and they traded in manufactured."

     Regarding the tradition that “giants” occupied Britain before Brutus, and that “giants” were the builders of the stone circles and megaliths and “giants” tombs in Brittany, Mauretania, Sardinia and in other places colonized by the Phoenicians, it is significant that the Mor, Muru, Marutu or “Amorits of Syria-Phoenicia-Palestine are called “giants” by the Hebrews in their Old Testament. They are, moreover, called there “the sons of Anak” (Beni-anak) Now “Anak” in Akkadian is a name for “Tin” And Tarnish, which, as Tarz or Tarsus, we have seen was a chief port of the Amorite Phoenicians, and which we know was actually visited and conquered by Sargon I., is thus celebrated in the Old Testament in connection with Tyre of the Phoenicians: “Tarnish was thy merchant by re4ason of the multitude of all kinds of riches; with silver, iron Tin, and lead, they traded their fairs” Ezek 27:12
    Between the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, in the district of Kasinare reported three huge rude stone circles, which are described as being “like Stonehenge” and, like it, composed of gigantic trilithons about 15 ft. high; and several huge Stone Circles in the neighborhood of Mt. Sinai, some of them measuring 100 ft. in diameter.

     On the N.W. frontier of India, on route from Persia near Peshwar, is a large circle of unhewn megaliths about 11 ft. high and resembling the great Keswick Circle in Cumberland

And amongst the many megaliths along the Mediterranean coast of Africa, so frequently by the Phoenicians are several Stone Circles in Tripoli and Gaet-uli hill with trilithon, like Stonehenge.

These date to about 2800 BC To 1100 BC when Brutus arrived.