Thursday, November 30, 2023

Oneota Sioux Hopewell Mounds and Earthworks in Posey County, Indiana.

 Oneota Sioux Hopewell Mounds and Earthworks in Posey County, Indiana

Prehistoric Antiquities of Indiana, Lilly, 1937
The village and burial site near the mouth of the Wabash yielded so many artifacts similar to the Oneota culture, such as limestone disk pipes, copper ear spools, tubular beads, and characteristic triangular arrow points, that Siouan relationship seems almost certain. Probably the village at Bone Bank [Posey County, Indiana] and the citadel at Merom, both on the lower Wabash, were also Siouan sites.
Large loaf shaped burial mound similar to the Seip Mound in Ross County, Ohio is photographed north of Mt.Vernon, Indiana in Posey County. The mound is not recognized as a historic site.

Oneota Sioux burial mound located a few miles east of Mt. Vernon, Indiana. The mound is not recognized as a historic site.

Oneoto Sioux Hopewell burial mound now has a house on top. The tree line in the distance is the Ohio River. This burial mound is also not recognized as a historic site.

Square earthworks similar to those found in Ohio Hopewell sites were diagrammed by Indiana University.

This incised jar design (Lesueur 41205) is a variety of Caborn-Welborn Decorated that is very similar to Oneota jar motifs found in regions to the north and east of the mouth of the Wabash. Note the nested circle and the loop handle. Oneota motifs occur as small percent of the decorated ceramics at many Caborn-Welborn sites.