Monday, December 4, 2023

Biblical Amorite Giants Build Facsimile of Stonehenge in North Africa


Biblical Amorite Giants Build Facsimile of Stonehenge in North Africa

 Trilithons in Tripoli, North Africa 
In  Africa, they are associated with skeletons that reveal their origin, and similar dolmans are met within parts of Palestine, more especially on the eastern side of the Jordan, with which the name of the Amorite is connected. Cromlechs of a like form exist in Western Spain, France, and in Britain, and since the Libyan race, whose remains they cover in Africa, claim a physiological relationship with the “Red Celt,” it is permissible to regard them as marking the former presence of the race to which the Amorite belong.  Fields containing thousands of dolmans may be found in Transjordan and the Golan. Dolman remains


      The physical type of the builders of these stone circles and megaliths is obviously that represented by the skeletons of the tall Nordic type (with some others of the smaller river-bed and mixed Iberian or Pictish type) the long barrow mounds, chambered Cairns and stone cist of the Late Stone Ages in the neighborhood of these circles. And it was presumably early pioneer stragglers of this same Nordic stock at the end of the Old Stone age who are represented by the “Red Man” of Paviland cave, in the Gower peninsula of Wales, of the mammoth age, and the “Keiss chief” in the stone cist. Both of these interred with rude stone weapons, and are interred with rude stone weapons, and are of the superior and artistic Cro-Magnon type of early men, which seems to have been the proto-Nordic or proto-Aryan. These early Nordic people, who buried near the Circles, were generally found in their tombs laid on their right side, and their faces usually facing eastward to the rising Sun, thus evidencing their solar religion and belief in the resurrection.
      “This Keiss chief is described by Laing “ a tall man of very massive proportions, “lying extended, with his face to the East. The cranial index was 76, with projecting eyebrow ridges which gave the forehead a “receding” aspect and the forehead low and narrow. The other tall type of man at Keiss (cist 7) is described as nearly 6 feet in height, the forehead, well arched though not high, rises almost vertically from the brow, the nose is good, jaws massive.
      The megalithic builders developed into the Egyptians, Amorites, and Hebrews, for they were adopted by them as the “pillars” which are often denounced in the Old Testament, and in Egypt were gradually shaped and prolonged into the obelisk.