Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Giant Human Skeletons Uncovered in Cincinnati, Ohio


Giant Human Skeletons Uncovered in Cincinnati, Ohio

Akron Daily Democrat, August 15, 1902 
Found by Sand Pit Digger Near Cincinnati
 Thursday afternoon while Jacob Burk, of Bromley, Ky., a suburb of Cincinnati, was at work in the sand pits just east of Bromley, he unearthed what was at first supposed to be the bones of some animal, but on further examination it proved to be the skeleton of a man of gigantic proportions. After further excavating it was discovered that there were two more skeletons of gigantic size, lying alongside of the one which was first discovered. The skeletons were lying in regular order and were in an excellent state of preservation. They were measured and it was found that they averaged about seven feet in height and had massive features and high cheek bones. The bones were well preserved and only in a few places were they disconnected, while the teeth were in excellent condition. The excavation from which they were taken was 30 feet deep. There are many burial mounds in Cincinnati to visit. Here are photos of the burial mounds and earthworks in Cincinnati : Traveling to the Adena, Hopewell Archeological Sites Around Cincinnati, Ohio