Nephilim Skeletons Arched Stone Tomb in Athens County, Ohio
Nephilim Giants Stone Arched Tomb, Athens County, Ohio. There were more giants discovered in Athens County, Ohio than any other county in Ohio. Here is another where the skull of the giant had Neanderthal attributes. This was very common amongst the giants. : Mass Grave of Ancient Human Giants Uncovered by an Athens County, Ohio Road Crew
“The mound had two circular arches of stone in it. One was about two and a half feet beneath the surface of the mound, and another about six feet. Immediately under the first arch of stone was found two very large skeletons, in a remarkable state of preservation: and under the second arched wall, other part of skeletons was found amidst ashes, coals and mussel shells. It seemed apparent that those who had been interred under the deeper arch had remained there many years, before those under the upper arch were buried. Some of these skeletons were buried with their heads towards the center of the mound, and some with their feet toward the center.