Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Nephilim Henge in Germany with Links to Stonehenge and the Ohio Valley

Henge Discovered in Germany with Links to Stonehenge and the Ohio Valley

            Henge at Koblenz Germany. For comparisons of the henges in the Ohio Valley and in England : Coincidence? Identical Nephilim Giants Mounds in England and Ohio

   A henge has been located in Koblenz Germany that dates to the Bronze Age (1200-800 B.C.) that is identical to henges that are found across English and Ohio Valley countryside. This is further evidence of a solar cult spreading from the Biblical lands where they were known as the Amorites, across central Europe to England and eventually the Ohio Valley.

   Each of these regions share solar temples called henges, that are circular earthworks with an outer wall and interior ditch and a gateway that breeches the ditch to the central platform that is usually aligned to a solar event.
  More convincing are the giant skeletal remains that are associated with the builders of the henges.  They share the same mortuary practices along with the construction of conical burial mounds.
  Also found in all of these regions are hilltop earthworks that were used as ceremonial centers.

The full story is at Ask

The Evidence is here.