50 Giants Tombs Discovered by Archaeologists Found on the Banks of the Ohio River - Believed to be Kings Graveyard
Washington Post, October 27, 1912
50 Nephilim Giants Tombs Discovered in Jeffersonville, Indiana
Believed to be Kings Tombs
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
Corn Island was located at the southern bend of the Ohio River. It was flooded by the construction of the dam in the 1920s Many giant skeletons have been uncovered in Indiana. The Shawnee story is that they killed all the inhabitants on Corn Island including their Chief Yellow Hair. Here is a story of the ghost of Yellow Haired witnessed. www.nephilimgiants.net : Man Claims to Have Seen the Ghost of Chief Yellow Hair. Evidence of Great Slaughter at the Falls of the Ohio.
The other cemetery contains the bones of 50 dead Kings. The tombs are made of roughhewn stone and the occupants were all men, not one of whom was less than six- and one-half feet high. They were buried in sitting posture, with their faces turned toward the rising sun and their weapons must have been buried with them, evidently placed in their laps. But the peculiar coincidence is that the left temple of each had been crushed in by some blunt instrument. Whether it was as religious rite or a precaution against burying them alive is a matter of surmise. The writer, who opened one of the graves with Prof. Green, the eminent geologist and at one time State Geologist of Indiana, believes it was a religious rite. The school history of Kentucky says when the first white settlers arrived at Louisville they found piles of human skeletons on Corn Island and some are found there now. To the early settlers it appeared that there had been a great battle fought and that one tribe had been entirely wiped out. All of the skeletons were those of people of medium stature, save one, that of a man, and he must have been seven feet high. On the banks of the falls to this day are found thousands of Indian arrows and spear heads, with an occasional battle ax, and once a stone owl was found that had probably been fashioned by one of the prehistoric people. This description represents the concrete facts and is the corroborative evidence of the weird tale told by Mrs. Kelly and her ancestors in their mystic chant of the vanishing of a strange race of people. The story had better be given in her own words to the writer of this narrative.
Valentine Kelly, who was a Spiritualist, told the writer that he was once standing in a shed near the royal tombs when a gigantic white man with yellow hair peered in at the window. He said he saw him, as clearly as could be, for it was broad daylight and he could not have made a mistake. However, Mr. Kelly was a firm believer in ghost and hobgoblins, and it may be that he did not actually see Yellow Hair, but he believed to the time of his death that he had seen him. He permitted Prof. Green and the writer to open two of the graves on his farm, but stopped further excavating, as he said the scientist would soon dig up the best part of his farm if he permitted them to do so. But there were originally 50 of the tombs and now more than 40 remain. The high water washed away some of them, and two were opened by man.
One of the best-known archaeologists of Indiana, Dr. W. F. Work, of Charlestown, Ind., found seven similar stone tombs 13 miles from the scene, and he noticed that the left temple of each dead man was crushed in and that the bones were those of men of gigantic stature. Dr. Work spent much time in exploring the habitations of the cliff dwellers of Arizona and has written much on the subject. He believes Yellow Hair’s people were the Mandan Indians. Orlando Hobbs, also an archaeological authority of Indiana and a man known widely for his learning and research, holds this opinion.
Corn Island was directly across from Fourth to Fourteenth Street in Louisville, Kentucky. Traveling north on I-65 the location of the Giant's Tombs would have been visible to the left on the Indiana bank of the river.