European Legends of Giant Race
This type of hill fort or ceremonial center differs little to those found in England and the Ohio Valley.
Aryan Question by Willis BoughtonThe
American Antiquarian
such occupation of Europe by Asiatics, was not yhe work of a
generation, or of a century, but may have covered an extended period
of time. Nor were the migrating people all of a lower civilizarion.
The remains in Switzerland, Etruria and elsewhere, would point to the
arrival of bands of migrants direct from the homeland of
Sumero-Accads, bringing with them a Turanian culture almost
Baltic Sea region became peopled by Asiatics, who, in places, fused
with the more primitive dark races; and these people seem never to be
displazced. That hardy region of forest, and cultivatable land became
a great "area of characterization." Prof. Riley, suggest
scientific processes whereby the type of man may have been modified
in stature, and in feature, until the blonde giant with flaxen hair
became very common.
Wherever the giant race is found are the hill forts and henges. This henge was located in Northern Germany.
der Schlesischen Gesellschaft fur Volkskunde 1903 by Dr. H. Seger
H Seger contributes a brief article on "Die Denkmaler der
Vorzeit im Volksglauben" in which he discusses folk-lore and
folk-belief concerning prehistoric stone graves, which the folks know
as "giants graves," "giants ovens," "Huns
graves," ect.; mounds of the Bronze Age called "Huns
graves" or peopled with dwarfs who often guard buried
treasures...the grave mounds beneath which dwell and feast
subterranean being often enchanted; the ramparts and other
fortifications, sometimes called "Tarter walls" or "Tarter