Was Hercules Nephilim?
Hercules fights Hydra. Hercules or Og is usually depicted with a club.
Hercules, the first hero of profane historians, who gave him seven feet of height, was employed by the gods to make war against the Gigantes, and accordingly he killed Alcyoneus; but as the giant fell upon the earth he came to life again. Hercules, however, dragged him out of his native land, and finally slew him. Porphyrion attacked Hercules, but was killed by him and Zeus combined, the former using his arrows, and the latter a flash of lightning. The remaining giants were then killed by the gods and Hercules ; and some of them were crushed to pieces under mountains, others were flayed alive, others were beaten to death with clubs, and others were buried by their conquerors under volcanic islands. Lempriere says the origin of the story of the Gigantes must be sought for in such physical phenomena as volcanic disruptions; and it is to be noticed that Homer and later writers place these monsters in volcanic districts.
The Cerne Giant is Hercules, and Og or Magog. The British giants like those in the Bible were born from the unholy union of women and angels.