Monday, March 30, 2020

Origins of the Giants of the Ohio Valley Mound Builders Revealed

Origins of the Giants of the Ohio  Valley Mound Builders Revealed

For more of the origins of the mound builders with the Cro Magnon race . : Were the Ohio Mound Builders the Last Remnants of the Cro-Magnons?

Hundreds of giant human skeletons have been reported in Ohio. Who were they, where did they come from? The following hypotheses do not contradict current archaeological theories that conclude that they do not know who the mound builders were, where they came from, nor where they went.

     The sudden influx of people of gigantic height in the  Ohio Valley is due to the Celts migrating into the British Isles, from 1500-1200 B.C and ending the domination by the Beaker Peoples in England. At the same time, the Amorites were also being displaced from the eastern Mediterranean by the Hittites, Egyptians, and Hebrews. These dates, also corresponding to the end of the manufacturing of copper weapons and mining operations on Lake Superior.   Comparing skull types of the Beaker People of the British Isles that were a combination of Corded People, Dinaric and Borreby Cro-Magnon with those of the  Adena mound builders of the Ohio Valley, shows some striking similarities. Both of which show more affinities towards Upper Paleolithic Cro-Magnon than to modern skulls with protruding brow ridges, thick skull walls, and large mandibles, in addition to the overall large size of the skeletal remains.     Henges are found across the British Isles.  A henge is defined as a circular earthwork with an exterior out earthen wall and interior ditch, making a circular platform in the center that is accessed by a causeway that breaches the interior ditch.  This causeway is usually aligned to a solar event of the solstice or equinox.
Henge and earthwork complex in Mayburg Scotland that was the prototype of the henges in the Ohio Valley.
Henges in the British Isles are identical to those found in the Ohio Valley.  Henge gateways were aligned to solar events.

Henge located at Mounds State Park in Anderson is identical to those found in the British Isles. These henges that are found in Indiana, Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky were constructed, like their counterparts in the British Isles as solar temples. In addition to the identical earthworks, called henges, The Beaker People also shared mortuary practices identical as those found in the Ohio valley along with the same unique type of conical mounds that are many times surrounded by a moat or ditch.

Burial mounds in England surrounded by a ditch or earthen wall. Prototypes to the burial mounds in the Ohio Valley.

The burial mound at Marietta, Ohio that is surrounded by a moat or ditch. This type of mound was once numerous in the Ohio Valley.

     The Dinaric skulls with their heads flattened in the back are easily recognized., along with their archaic features of the protruding brow ridge, thick skulls, massive jaws, and large height make them unique to any other skeletal remains. The Dinaric type is found most extensively in the Ohio Valley.

Photo is from "The Nephilim Chronicles; Fallen Angels in the Ohio Valley"      Two Dinaric skulls, one from Poland and the other from an Ohio mound.  This skull type has also been found at the Gates of Damascus in Jerusalem, where the skull was described as "massive."  The gigantic Dinaric peoples are associated with conical burial mounds and henges used as sun temples,

   Stephens Coons, wrote of the skeletal remains in The Bronze Age of Britain, “ The Beaker skulls as a whole are large, long and high vaulted, whatever their shape. They form one of the rare groups in the world with a cranial length of 184 mm. And index over 80. This peculiarity they share with the few known brachycephalic crania of the Upper Palaeolithic” The only other known people with this “rare” head type were the Adena of the Ohio Valley.
Adena skull from an Ohio mound.  Webb and Snow, who wrote "The Adena" claimed this rare head type was only found in the Ohio Valley.

 Skull on the left is from an Ohio burial mound and the Corded skull on the right from a northern European burial mound. The most striking similarity is the occipital bone, which is the bony protrusion seen on both of these skulls.  Though rare in modern skulls, it did occur within early Nordic populations.
The last group represented by the Beaker People are Boreby Cro-Magnon.  The Beaker People and the Adena in the Ohio Valley were the last remnants of the Upper Paleolithic Cro-Magnon.  The photo on the left is Boreby Cro-Magnon from England and the two on the right are from Ohio mounds.     

    The earliest burial mounds in the Ohio Valley were more distinctive Adena or Beaker People, but this isolation was short-lived. As the Shell Mound People began to move into the interior, they adopted many of the Allegewi burial and religious traits. In the Great Lakes region, the Glacial Kame and Point Peninsula Iroquois, also became very Allegewi-like. By about 100 A.D., the combination of Adena, Sioux, Cherokee and Iroquois manifests into the Adena-Hopewell Culture.