Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Giant Human Skull Uncovered and Photographed in a Clark County, Ohio Burial Mound

Giant Human Skull Uncovered and Photographed in a Clark County, Ohio Burial Mound

One of the largest mounds in Calrk County still exist. It had a hard clay sarcophagus. To see the pic of the mound : Hardened Clay Sarcophagus Found Within the Enon Burial Mound in Clark County, Ohio

A Standard History of Springfield and Clark County Ohio, 1922
     Other skeletons found in this lateral were those of little children, as indicated by the size of the bones and the thickness of the skulls; some of the bones were from persons of larger stature; at this point the interment ranged in depth from one foot and a quarter to four feet.
     Mr .Altick and Mr. Cusick began excavations at the summit of the mound, where a perpendicular shaft was sunk eight feet square, and one foot from the surface, in the black leaf mold, they found a complete skeleton lying face downward, in the horizontal position; however, the bones crumbled when they were lifted from the earth. They excavated another six inches, carefully removing the sand and gravel in order not to injure any deposit they might find; the material removed was screened so that small objects would not escape their notice, and here they came across another skeleton lying face upward, with only six inches separating them. It lay in a sandy mixture and was in better state of preservation than the first skeleton, and while due precaution was taken in removing it, the bones crumbled as they handled them.
   The shaft was then sunk eighteen inches deeper when three more skeletons were unearthed; they were in excellent condition, the bones being firm and hard, due to the greater depth at which they found them. One of the skeletons of a female, one was a child and the other was a male of gigantic stature. As a matter of comparison, Altick held up the femur of the male skeleton by Cusick's leg, and it extended eight inches below his knee; he is six feet in height. The ribs of this skeleton had petrified to a grayish slate color, but none would withstand the contact with the air.