Cahokia's Giant King's Stone Tomb Uncovered in East St.Louis.
The Magazine of American History 1907
Sixteen Giants Are Dug Up By Workman
Ancient Tomb, With Seven Foot Skeletons
Unearthed In East St. Louis (Cahokia)
East St. Louis, Ill., Nov. 4 Human bones believed to have been those of 16 mound builders were found in East St Louis today by workmen who were digging an excavation.
One skeleton was walled up in a stone tomb eight feet high. It was that of a man apparently seven feet tall. When the stones were removed the skeleton fell to pieces.
Buried under seven feet of earth near the base of this stone tomb were the skeletons of 15 men, all above normal height. They were sealed in a circle about the tomb where their chief had been walled up