Eight Foot Giant Skeleton Discovered in Huntington County, Indiana Burial Mound
This burial mound located outside of Warren, Indiana was once higher and more conical in shape. The mound was described as having an earthwork surrounding it, which is still slightly visible. This characteristic is clearly Adena in a location much further north than archaeologists have theorized.
The burial mound on the Thompson property was not found, this mound near Warren is the only remaining burial mound within Huntington County. One of the most incredible discoveries of giants in Indiana was down in Jeffersonville. Here's the story www.nephilimgiants.net : 50 Giants Tombs Found on the Banks of the Ohio River - Believed to be Kings Graveyard
The News Boy (Benton, Missouri) August 22, 1896
Dr. J. M. Shutt, while exploring an Indian mound on the farm of Marion Thompson, in Huntington County, Indiana on the 14th, unearthed a number of Indian skeletons, the largest being that of an Indian giant, eight feet two inches long. The skull is five-eighths of an inch thick. To the south is one of the best preserved mound and henge sites in Indiana and the Ohio Valley Adena Hopewell Mound Builders in the Ohio Valley: One of the Best Prehistoric Sites to Visit in the Ohio Valley at Mounds State Park, Anderson, Indiana (adenahopewellmoundbuildersohiovalley.blogspot.com)