Smithsonian Anthropologists Call Giant Skulls from the Burton Mound in Santa Barbara, California "Gorilla Men."
Giant Neanderthal Hybrids Found Within the Burton Mound in Santa Barbara, California by Smithsonian Scientists
Beetle browed skulls have been uncovered across North America. This newspaper article compared their find in the Burton Mound with Spy Neanderthal. More Neanderthal hybrids . The origins of the Neanderthal hybrids here : 6 Foot Neanderthal Hybrids Uncovered in Nebraska
Washington Post October 25, 1923
Find Two Skeletons of Primitive Men
Beautiful Spearhead Beside Gorilla-like Skulls in California
Santa Barbara, Calif., October 24, - Excavators, representing the Smithsonian Institution, today, uncovered two skeletons at the Burton Mound in this city, which the human records far back beyond the dawn of history on this continent, in the opinion of JP Harrington, in charge of the excavation.
The skeletons were about 4 feet below the ancient ground surface. The bones of the bodies were all but disintegrated, but the skulls were well preserved. These show a type of man almost of gorilla order. The faces were long and the jaws massive, while the skull bones were most massive. The ridges over the brows are projecting and the forehead slants backward. Besides the first skeleton was a beautiful black obsidian spearhead four and a half inches long. Experts said the bones were those of a race-long antedating native tribes in the vicinity when the Spaniards came.