Thursday, November 3, 2022

Giant Nephilim Skeletons in Athens County, Ohio Mound

 Giant Nephilim Skeletons in Athens County, Ohio Mound

For more on giant skeletons buried in megalithic stone tombs : Skeletons in Megalithic Arched Giant's Stone Tomb in Athens County, Ohio

Unearthed at Athens - Though to Have Been Indians of Gigantic Proportions 

     Athens, Ohio, Dec. 6 - The skeletons of two Indians have been unearthed along the banks of the Hocking River at Roach's mill, one half mile east of Athens.
     The excavation was made under a large building a short distance from the bank of the river.  Unearthed a few fet from the skeletons were many arrowheads which no doubt were buried with the redskins when they were sent by accident or natural death to the happy hunting ground.
     The skeletons were evidently those of gigantic men.  Judging by the bones, they could have not have measured less than seven feet in stature.  The bones were in an excellent state of preservation, the teeth still firmly embedded in the maxillary bones.