Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Winnebago Hopewell Sioux Indian Serpent Mound. Located in Chicago, Illinois


Winnebago Hopewell Sioux Indian Serpent Mound. Located in Chicago, Illinois

Chicago Serpent Mound swallowing an egg that is identical to the famous Serpent Mound in Ohio : Serpent Mound Reported in Chautauqua County, New York

"The Popular Science Monthly,” “The Sioux and Iroquois Legends, Prehistoric Aborigines of Minnesota and Their Migrations.” N.H. Winchell, 1908

      There is also a remarkable series of effigy mounds in central and southern Wisconsin, which extended across the Mississippi into Minnesota and Iowa. As to the prevalence of serpent worship, we have shown that there were serpent effigies in Ohio, Illinois, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Dakota, and that all these were situated along the line of migration, which according to a tradition of the Dakotas, was followed by their ancestors on reaching their later seats on the Mississippi and Upper Missouri Rivers.” We may conclude from this that the Winnebago were not only effigy builders, but they were serpent worshipers and that these various serpents were their work.”