Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Serpent Mound Reported in Chautauqua County, New York


Serpent Mound Reported in Chautauqua County, New York

Recreation of what the New York Serpent may have looked like.  From aerial photos, it looks like the Serpent mound has been obliterated, but no real survey has been done to see if any of it remains. Discover the Serpent Mound discovered in Chicago, Illinois : Winnebago Hopewell Sioux Indian Serpent Mound. Located in Chicago, Illinois

Daily Gazette from Ft. Wayne, Indiana May 1, 1885
The Mound Builders, Many Evidences of a First Race in and About Randolph
   Between Lake Erie and Dayton, Chautauqua County, are the remains of a circular sepulcher mound. The mound has an elevation of 80 feet and is 120 feet in circumference. According to antiquaries, this mound must have been the mausoleum of some great warrior. In the towns of Lear and Conewago excavation were made some years ago in several of these mounds. In one of them eight skeletons were found. They were in a sitting posture, arranged in a circle. Large blocks of mica were found in some of the mounds among the skeletons. This material is so frequently found in these burial mounds that it is believed to have been regarded as a sacred relic by the extinct race whose work still remains in the most gigantic earthworks all over the continent.
      Near the station of the New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio Railroad is a peculiar earth formation, which was designed by those who fashioned it thousands of years ago to represent a serpent, according to the conclusion of those who have read the customs of the mound builders by the monuments they left. This peculiar formation is 425 feet long, and enthusiastic antiquarians who visit it are unanimous in the resemblance it presents to a snake basking in the sunshine.