Sunday, January 8, 2023

Mass Grave of Giants Hints of a Great Battle in Madison County, New York


Mass Grave of Giants Hints of a Great Battle in Madison County, New York

Another mass grave was discovered in Pennsylvania. : Giant's Ossuary Contains 150 Nephilim Skeletons; Discovered in a Pennsylvanian Cave

History of Madison County New York, 1872 
       Indian relics were so abundant and graves so numerous that it is believed there must have been a great battle fought here in the ages past. Beads could be picked up here and there in considerable quantities; hatchets, axes and many other curious relics are scattered about, having been covered with the accumulating soil of ages and which the husbandman's plow brings to the surface. Curiosity seekers have carried off many of these relics, but there is, however, now and then an instance where they are allowed to remain. More than a mile on the road northeast of Munnsville Depot, in the woods, there is an Indian's skull, lying partly exposed among the rubbish of the woods. Several Individuals are now living who noticed the same skull thirty years ago. It is in an out-of-the-way place, it has remained undisturbed till the present time. Some of the skeletons found in these burial grounds are of extraordinary size. One gentleman remarked that he took one of the large jaw bones and found it sufficiently ample to cover his own lower jaw. Another person stated that he took one of the skulls from which the base had decayed and found he could place it with ease over the outside of his own head.