Richmond, Indiana Burial Mound Tour
Richmond City Waterworks. Mound originally was thirty-five feet in diameter and nearly six feet high. Located in the northeast one-quarter of Section 34, Wayne Township.
The surviving burial mound is located south of the "Fort." Square earthworks were abundant in this part of Indiana. Another square was north of Richmond and another at Winchester Indiana.
The burial mound near the "Fort" is still visible and unique in that a raised sacred via is evident going down the steep hill to the next terrace.
After clearing brush away from this burial mound, I was able to get this photograph. The mound is within the city limits of Richmond within the arboretum.
The ruins of the ancient civilization of the Adena Hopewell are scattered all over the State of Indiana. 85 burial mound and earthwork sites have been located.
222 Burial Mounds and Earthworks. Directions to 85 Burial Mounds and Earthworks in Indiana