The Etymology of "Google" is from "Og" The all-seeing Sun God
Og is used today in many words. This is an astounding amount of worrds with the root word of Og. Eventually the Amorites after Og's death came to the Ohio valley and left their numerical coidex of Germatria within the measure of the mounds. Here are a few examples. : Babylonian Giant Amorites of the Ohio Valley Gematria Numerology and Sacred Geometry Primer. 666 and 1080
Og was known as the all-knowing "Eye in the Sky" it is from this we get the word "cognoscente."
This is no more evident than one of the most used search tools, "Google" that has its etymological roots in the all-seeing sun god, called Og. Og is most noted in the Bible, where he was the King of the accounted giants known as the Amorites.
Archaic England, Harold Bayley 1920
Gog and Magog
. The figures of Gog and Magog used recently to be cut into the slope of Plymouth Hoe: in Cambridgeshire, are the Gogmagog hills; at the extremity of Land's End are two rocks known respectively as Gog and Magog, and there is an unfavorable allusion to the same twain in Revelation. Gog and Magog are the "protectors" of London and at civic festivals their images used with pomp and circumstance to be paraded through the City.
In some parts of Europe, the civic giants were represented as being eight in number, and the Christian Clergy inherited with their office the incongruous duty of keeping them in good order.
One of these ceremonials is described by an eye-witness writing in 1809, who tells us that in Valencia no procession of however little importance took place, without being preceded by eight statues of giants of prodigious height...
Four pairs of elemental gods were similarly worshipped in Egypt, each pair male, and female, and these eight primeval Beings were known as the Ogdoad or Octet. In Scotland, the Earth Goddess who is said to have existed "from the long eternity of the world," is sometimes described as being the chief of eight "big old women," at other times as "a great big old wife," and with this untoward Hag we may equate the English "Awd Goggie" who was supposed tp guard orchards.
The London figures of Gog and Magog--constructed of wicker work- had movable eyes which, to the great joy of the populace, were caused to roll or goggle as the images were prambulated. Skeat thinks the word gog is "of imitative origin," but it is more likely that goggle was originally Gog oeuil or Gog Eye. The Irish and Gaelic for Goggle-eyed is gogshuileach,which the authorities refer to gog, "to move slightly" and suil "an eye".
At Gigglewick or Giggles-fort in Yorkshire there is a celebrated well of which the famed peculiarity is its eightfold flow, and it was of this Giggle Well that Drayton wrote in Polyolbion:-
At Giggleswick where I am fountain can you show
That eight times a day is said to ebb and flow.
...the followers of Gog and Magog had a powerful and perhaps aboriginal footing. Around Londonerry in Ireland are the memories of a giant Gig no Gog, and at Launceston in Cornwall there used to be held a so-called Giglot Fair. At this a gogo festival every wench was at liberty to bestow the eye of favour, ogle, or look gougou, on any swaun she fancied: whence obviously the whole vilage was agog, or full of eagerness, and much ogling, giggling, goggling, and gougounarderie.
In Cornwall googou means a cave, den, souterrain, or "giants holt," and there are several reasons to suppose that the Gogmagogogei or gougouites were troglodytes. "Son of Man," said Ezekiel, "set thy face against Gog the Land of Magog." and to judge from similar references, it would seem that the followers of Gogmagog were ill-favored and unloved...
Our British Giants, Gog, Magog, Termagol, and the rest of the terrible tribe sprang, according to Scottish myth, from thirty-three daughters of Diocletian, a King Og Syria, or Tyria. These thirty-three primeval women drifted in a ship to Britain, then uninhabited, where they lived in solitude, until an order of demons becoming enamored of them, took them to wife and begot a race of giants. Anthropology and tradition thus alike refer to Magogoei to Syria, or Phoenicia, and there would seem to be numerous indications that between these people...
Apparently some of these lawless and predatory troglodytes were at one time dwelling in Wales, for a few miles further north of Aberystwyth we find place names Goginan there applied to what is described as " a locality with extensive lead mines". The Welsh for the cave of ogof, or gogof, and in Cornish not only gougou, but also ugo, or hugo meant the same: thus og and gog would seem to have been synonymous, a conclusion confirmed in many other directions, such as gogle and goggle. In Hebrew, og meant gigantic mighty, or long necked, which evidently is the same word as the British uch, German Hoch, meaning high; whence, there is every probability that Og, or Gog meant high-high, or most high, and Magog, Mother Most High....
Joshua refers to the coast of Og, King of Bashan, which was of the remnant of the giants, and that this obnoxious ruler was a troglodyte is manifest from his subterranean capital at Edrei, which is in existence to this day, and will be described later. That at one time Og was gog of the ocean may be deduced from the Rabbinic tradition that he walked by the side of the ark during the flood, and the waters came up only to his knees. From the measurements of Og's famous bedstead, it has been calculated that Og himself "was about nine feet high".
In Hebrew Og is also understood to mean 'he who goes in a circle,' which is suggestive of the Sun or Eye of Heaven. That the sun was the mighty, all-seeing ogler or goggler of the universe is commonplace among the poets, whence Homer, alluding to the Artist of the World, observes "His spy the Sun had told him all". To the jocund Sun, which on Easter Day, in particular, was supposed to dance, maybe referred