Tuesday, May 16, 2023

What is a Solar Temple, Called a Henge?


What is a Solar Temple, Called a Henge?

On the left is a henge from England and on the right a henge at Mounds State Park, in Anderson, Indiana.   The three most basic components are the Outer Earthen Wall with an Interior Ditch and a Single Gateway that many times is aligned with a Solar Event. Large skeletons are many times found within conical burial mounds within or near these sites. The henges in the Ohio Valley were constructed using the Babylonian numerological codex of Gematria   www.nephilimgiants.net : Nephilim Gematria Numerology and the Washington Monument 555 and 666

Another picture of the main henge at Mounds State Park showing the interior ditch and outer wall with the central circular platform in the middle that once held a burial mound before being destroyed by Indiana University. archaeologist.

The henge used by the ancient giant race as both a solar temple and calendar is so distinct as to preclude its development independently. The discovery of giant skeletons in the proximity of these earthworks is ample evidence that they were constructed by the same people in both the British Isles and the Ohio Valley. A henge in the British Isles is defined in Wikipedia as, “A roughly circular or oval shaped flat area over 20 meters in diameter which is enclosed by a boundary earthwork that usually comprises a ditch with an external bank and interior ditch. Access to the interior is obtained by way of one, two, or four entrances through the earthwork. Internal components may include portal settings, timber circles, post rings, stone circles, monoliths, burials, and central mounds.” It should be added that many of the gateways of the henges in the British Isles also had solar alignments.