Friday, July 14, 2023

Mound Builder's Bird Effigy within a Circular Earthwork at the Yost Works in Perry County, Ohio. Solar Alignment?

 Mound Builder's Bird Effigy within a Circular Earthwork at the Yost Works in Perry County, Ohio. Solar Alignment?

The Yost Works in Perry County, Ohio had both solar and lunar alignments. The bird effigy is reminiscent of the Newark Earthworks that too have both solar and lunar alignments along with a bird effigy.

This type of bird effigy within a circular work is common within the earthworks around Ohio and especially around Newark, Ohio. In the ancient world the bird is symbolic of "transition," in this case, it would represent the transition of the solstices or 18.6-year lunar procession. For more photos of the Yost Works in Perry County, Ohio including the bird effigy : Wilson Effigy Mound Located South of Newark, Ohio "Address Restricted"

Unfortunately, the undergrowth in mid-March had already begun when I photographed this work. However, after inspecting the bird effigy it appears to be intact. This work is off to the side of a larger earthwork that has been obliterated by the plow.  There are a few sections of the larger work that are slightly visible.  Wayne May from Ancient American Magazine and Richard Moats. Richard Moats in the expert on this site. Wayne May used "Witchy Sticks" to find the obliterated ancient walls and a few of the burial mounds and burials. Richard Moats confirmed the accuracy of Wayne May's work with the "rods."  It is a method I am practicing with for future mound trips.  After witnessing this I am convinced of the energy fields that emanate from these sites