Wilson Effigy Mound Located South of Newark, Ohio "Address Restricted"
Several years ago I visited Glenford Fort and several mounds in Perry County with Richard Moats and Wayne May. Richard Moats is the expert on the mounds in the area with extensive work on the Yost Works nearby. According to Richard, the Wilson mound was a Bear effigy mound. This is just one of the many mounds in Ohio that is "Address Restricted." For a sneak peek of 25 more mounds with this designation, you can see them here . For more mounds in Perry County, Ohio of the Yost Works www.nephilimgiants.net : Wilson Effigy Mound Located South of Newark, Ohio "Address Restricted"1902 photo of the Wilson Mound that according to Richard Moats is a Bear Effigy. The bear digs for roots is associated with Underworld and the Earth Mother.
History of Perry County, Ohio 1902
The Wilson Mound, mentioned above, is one of the best in the county. It belongs to the "Platform" class of mounds. It has never been thoroughly explored. Several shafts were sunk into it and it was found that the mound was at least half stone. Many of the stones showed signs of fire. A considerable amount of ashes and red clay was found, through which were mingled scraps of bone and pieces of mica.
Excavation of the Wilson Mound revealed a stone mound in the lower level that was used for cremations.