Nephilim Giant's Skull Discovered Near Jerusalem
According to the World Weekly News the skull of Goliath was found west of Jerusalem. The skull was found by Dr. Richard Martin in the foothills of the Judaean Mountains last spring. Another Nephilim skull discovered in Jerusalem. : Ohio Giant Nephilim Skull is Uncovered in Jerusalem at the Gates of Damascus
The skull was found by Dr. Martin during a routing archaeological survey of Elah, where David was reported to have slain Goliath. Martin believed from the size of the head that it belonged to a person over 10 feet tall.
It is more likely that this skull represents one of the accounted giants from the tribes mentioned in the Bible. Jerusalem was once occupied by the Amorites. The name Jersalem still bearing the Amorite name for a Ugaritic god. Ur is the Sumrian name for the "Sun." Ur u Salem. "The Sun God."
The skull has many physical qualities to that of the giant skeleton found at Lovelock cave in Nevada that was reported to be from a tribe of red-haired giants.