Adena Mound Encircled by an Earthwork is Photographed in Huntington County, Indiana
This mound is located out of the sphere designated by archaeologists, but the conical shape of the mound that is encircled by an earthwork is clearly Adena. Another similar mound was located about 50 miles to the north in Lagrange County. This is over one hundred miles to the north of where the archaeologists say the Adena lived. Wrong again. The largest mound group of Oto Sioux Hopewell mounds in Porter County, Ohio : Porter County, Indiana Indian Burial Mounds
The circular ditch that surrounds the mound is still visible across from the cemetery drive. Another mound with an encircling earthwork was located north, in Lagrange County, Indiana, unfortunately it was so overgrown that a good photo was impossible. Several other mounds similar to this one is described in Ohio county histories within the Great Lakes drainage. A mound surrounded by a ditch is clearly Adena and is more evidence that Northeast Indiana was their early home.
Several years ago, square shaped excavations were seen on the side of the mound revealing that archeologist were attempting to retrieve grave goods from its interior. As is the case of 80 percent of all archaeological digs, no paper was ever published.
No traces of the works of the pre-historic mound builders are found in the county, except along the Salamonie River, in the southeast corner, opposite Warren, where, on a high eminence in the bend of the latter river, there are two mounds. The first one visited is at Daniel Adsits. It is about twenty-five feet in circumference and six feet high. A slight excavation has been made into the top, but so far as could be learned no relics were found. There is a shallow trench completely surrounding it. From the top the view overlooks the Salamonie and its fine fertile bottoms. The other mound is about a quarter of a mile to the northwest, and in a cultivated orchard belonging to John D. Jones, and near his barn. The mound has been nearly destroyed by the plow, and I was unable to learn that it possessed any peculiar features or contained any relics.