Thursday, December 14, 2023

Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age Weapons Discovered with Large Skeletons in New York


Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age Weapons Discovered with Large Skeletons in New York : The Swastika Associated with Bronze Age Diffusion to the Ohio Valley as the Mound Builders
 Socketed weapons were not invented until about 1500 B.C in Babylon and would fall within the timeline of the Amorites in the Levant and England. We are to believe that this advanced weapons technology just shows up at the exact same time?  More unbelievable is that it disappears at the same time that the industrial scale mining of copper at Lake Superior ends. More evidence of cultural diffusion is found in the swastika that is found within the Ohio burial mounds.  

     “The Art of Warfare in Biblical Lands,” Yigael Yadin, 1963. 
     “At the end of the third millennium, the armorers were still grappling with the problem of finding an effective method of attaching the spearhead to a wooden staff…. not until a later stage in the first half of the second millennium was the socketed type to be developed and more commonly used and conferred a significant military advantage.”

History of New York, from "Prehistoric Man" 1888
 Brockville, New York
   In 1856, Dr. Thomas Reynolds of Brockville exhibited to the Canadian Institute a collection of copper and other relics discovered in thar neighborhood under singular circumstances; and possessing a special interest owing to the distance of the site from Lale Superior.  They included a peculiarly-shaped chisel or gouge, six inches in length, a rude spearhead, seven inches long and two small daggers or knives all wrought by means of the hammer, out of native copper which had never been subjected to fire, as is proven by the silver remaining in detached crystals in the copper.  This ancient Indian art is now entirely lost.

  They were found at the head of Les Galops Rapids, on the river St. Lawrence, about fifteen feet below the surface, along with twenty skeletons disposed in a circular space with their feet toward the center. Dr. Reynolds remarks of them: “Some of the skeletons were of gigantic proportions.

Spoked burial is found in numbers in both New York Ohio Valley and in Wiltshire, near Stonehenge.  Many times, the skeletons are described as "gigantic."  This type of burial would have required that the skeletons be placed in the mound at the same time.  The only conclusion is that they were slain in a military conflict.  Note in the burial above that a few of the skeletons have their head placed between their knees.  These must have been placed in the mound to serve as slaves in the afterlife.