Babylonian Weapons Technology in the Great Lakes
Babylonian -Amorite Weapons technology in Wisconsin and Minnesota is the result of the search for copper and tin for the emerging Bronze Age. The Amorites, who were the accounted giants in the Bible had seized Babylon in 1950 B.C.. The Amorite weapons technology and giant human skeletal remains have left a trail of evidence from the Biblical Levant to The British Isles where they mined tin, to the northern shores of Lake Superior where they mined copper. The mystery of the Copper Culture in the Great Lakes region is solved by comparing their weapons with those being manufactured by the Babylonians for the Hittiite, Egyptian and Hebrew armies.
These ancient Babylonian weapons can be closely affiliated with the giant human skeletons that are found in the greatest numbers in the Levant, the British Isles and the Ohio Valley.