Fairies, Spirits and Ghosts at Burial Mound Sites
Many times, orbs can be seen in photographs of burial mound sites. The spirits of the ancient dead still linger at these venerated sites and are the home of ghosts, spirits and fairies. More fairies sighted at Indiana mound sites www.nephilimgiants.net : Iroquois Fairy Stones In Northern Indiana
The formation of the legend was also aided by the old cult of the gods on heights, some of them sepulchral mounds. "Other mounds or hills had also a sacred character. Hence gods worshipped at mounds, dwelling or revealing themselves there, still lingered in the haunted spots; they became fairies, or were associated with the dead buried in the mounds, as fairies also have been, or were themselves thought to have died and been buried there. The haunting of the mounds by the old gods is seen in a prayer of S. Columba's, who begs God to dispel "this host (i.e. the old gods) around the cairns They were gods of the hills worshipped by the Amorites on hills. But, as we shall see, the gods dwelt elsewhere than in hills. Another site located in Indiana has witnessed paranormal activity Mysteries of Ancient America Books: Fairies (Demons) Haunt an Ancient Subterranean Stone Enclosure in Wabash County, Indiana